On Sat, 2015-03-21 at 00:51 -0400, Chris Knadle wrote: 
>     § 10.7.3  Behavior
>     Configuration file handling must conform to the following behavior:
>     • local changes must be preserved during a package upgrade
Well, strictly speaking, if the user had let that option at it's Debian
default, than there wasn't a local change. 

> The *particular changes made* aren't the issue at all: the issue is
> the "slippery slope" problem, and that's why I think the Policy is
> written exactly how it is.  If it's okay to modify a user's changes
> here, then it's okay to do it elsewhere.
Unfortunately I wouldn't interpret the policy as preventing that
particular case (or maybe I still don't get some detail here).

Actually most of our config file handling systems have this problem:
- I get some default config
- I check each and every option of it, whether it fits my needs
- If it already does per default and doesn't make any commentary
  changes, a future package upgrade could just change what I
  deliberately decided to want.


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