close 781762

On Thu, Apr 02, 2015 at 06:17:33PM +0200, Miguel Rubio-Roy wrote:
> Package: liblua5.1-0-dev
> Version: 5.1.5-7.1
> Severity: serious
> Tags: newcomer
> Justification: Policy 8.4
> Dear Maintainer,
> When trying to compile using the "-llua" option, the compiler does not found
> on its path.
> According to the Debian Policy Manual, section 8.4, "The development package
> should contain a symlink for the associated shared library without a version
> number."
> I kindly request you to implement this recommendation.
> Also, I think it is Debian Policy to name the libraries like:
> instead of

You should use `pkg-config --libs lua5.1` to get the correct
linker flags.  Orelse use -llua5.1.

The "version number" the policy talks about is the "0.0.0" part,
not the "5.1" (that is part of the name of the library).

There is no such a thing like "lua".  lua5.1 and lua5.2 are different,
incompatible, libraries, not two versions of the same.

Enrico Tassi

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