Package:installation-reports (Debian 8 Jessie DI-rc3 installer AMD64 DVD)

method: <How did you boot the installer? CD?
floppy? network?> DVD


<Monday April 20, 2015 at 12:30 PM>

<Description of machine (Acer Aspire 5336-2460 Laptop)>

Processor:Intel Celeron 925

Memory:3 GB DDR3

<df -Tl will do; the raw partition table is preferred> Don't Know. PS
Have Kubuntu on my laptop right now using its partition. The /dev/sda.

of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn):Don't Know.

System Installation Checklist:

[O]= OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [0]

Detect network card:    [ ]

Configure network:      [ ]

Detect CD:              [ ]

Load installer modules: [ ]

Detect hard drives:     [ ]

Partition hard drives:  [ ]

Install base system:    [ ]

Clock/timezone setup:   [ ]

User/password setup:    [ ]

Install tasks:          [ ]

Install boot loader:    [ ]

Overall install:        [ ]

Comments/Problems:<I didn't go any farther then installer boot because
after I booted up the “Debian 8 Jessie DI-rc3 installer
<>”, I clicked on
“Advanced Options” in the installation menu and the “Alternative
Desktop Environment” option wasn't in there. Did they move it or just
forgot to put it back in?> PS. <Was trying to install "Debian-7.8.0
AMD64 DVD (Wheezy)" using the KDE "Alternative Desktop Environment" at,
and it had a problem with the video card or monitor. When booting up,
it did fine up to the point of the login screen and then it was just
black. Worked fine on the desktop I have, just not on the Acer laptop.
I heard that you upgraded the firmware and drivers in "Debian Jessie"
including non-free firmware so I wanted to give it a shot. Booted up
just fine. But when I went to  the "Advanced Options" to change the
"Alternative Desktop Environment" to KDE, that option wasn't there.

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