Hi Dirk,

On 22.04.2015 at 20:25, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> [..]
> Certainly, but can we please backtrack for a second?  
> R has been in Debian since the laste 1990s.  We never needed a TZ (nor should
> having one break it, but let's leave that aside for a second), and given all
> the releases and architectures we must by now have built a thousand
> times. Without FTBFS.

Sure, I don't question that. And I think it's important to stress that R does
_not_ FTBS on the buildds. I'm aware of that.

> So who now sets TZ and why?  Can we just unset before / while R is built?

The reproducible team does to check for software quality and to ensure builds 
reproducible in Debian.

> R should work just fine with or without TZ. Most systems seem to have it;
> Debian never did and I am not aware of side effects (but we sometimes do set
> TZ in our (user) analysis scripts).

Indeed, it does, see:

$ TZ="GMT+1" Rscript -e "system('date')"
Mi 22. Apr 19:57:33 GMT 2015

But R compiled with TZ set fails to install 'sysdata.rda' while building it's 
package. And this should not happen.

> So two things going forward:
> i)  find out who set TZ, make him stop it (should take care of the FTBFS now)
The evil reproducible team does ;)
I think the impact of this FTBFS is more theoretical, so we should not get 

> ii) contact upstream which I'll will and see what can be done about makeing
> the behaviour more robust (as it used to be prior to R 3.1.3 as well, I
> think)
Yes, contacting upstream would be great, thanks.
But I think prior to R 3.1.3 also FTBFS with TZ set, see:



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