Control: retitle -1 Useless in Debian

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 10:19:33PM -0400, David Prévot wrote:
> Package: php-mssql-bundle

> [Filled as an RC-bug by the maintainer to exclude packages from testing]
> php-mssql-bundle has recently been introduced as an owncloud dependency,
> but proper MsSQL support has been postponed to owncloud 8

Actually, it’s becoming less realistic to see proper support of MsSQL in
the community version of ownCloud. Furthermore, MsSQL support may not be
a feature worth providing in Debian anyway.

I intend to follow up with an RM request before Stretch gets released if
the situation doesn’t evolve and nobody objects. In the mean time, I’m
keeping this RC bug open to prevent migration to testing.



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