> The files generated by game-data-packager are not trivially distinguishable
> from non-free games obtained from Debian (doom-wad-shareware) or from
> some other source (e.g. gog.com), and show up in e.g. aptitude under
> "Obsolete and Locally Created" -> games -> non-free

Unless you have your own repo, then they are completely mixed with the rest.

> However, most of them are in fact "worse than non-free": they cannot be
> redistributed at all without copyright infringement.
> I'm tempted to say that we should put them in some new pseudo-component
> and/or pseudo-section, like maybe non-distributable/game-data-packager.
> Thoughts?

I'd realy like to keep the '/games' suffix, this is recognized by everyone.

I would go for 'local/games'; as there may be other ways of building local
packages (equivs ?) and this is short.

"local" = this file can only be installed localy on a single computer.

aptitude already gives a tip when you browse down 'non-free' sections;
it could also give a tip about 'local' packages;

"Additionally, some software is not distributable (for example, has no license 
at all), even in non-free."

I see that most commercial games erroneously ships .debs
with section = "(free/)games". (WorldOfGoo, TicketToRide,...)

If there was some officialy recommend way to ship local package;
this would happen less.

What do you think to propose a change in the policy ?

I found this, but haven't read it yet:


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