On May 9, 2015 4:57 AM, "Adam D. Barratt" <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> On Fri, 2015-05-08 at 18:17 -0500, Kenneth Pronovici wrote:
> > In April of 2013 (version 4.7j-7), I converted cproto to debhelper 7.
> > In the process, I accidentally lost the only option I was passing to
> > configure (--enable-llib).  As a result, I disabled the -X command-line
> > option.   This means there is a functional regression between wheezy
> > (version 4.7j-5) and jessie (version 4.7l-3).  The manpage is also
> > wrong.  See bug #784719.
> >
> > A few minutes ago, I uploaded version 4.7l-4 to unstable.  The diff vs.
> > 4.7l-3 (in jessie) is attached as debian.diff.  The only change is to
> > pass the missing --enable-llib configure option.
> Thanks for that.
> The patch looks okay in isolation, but the more interesting and useful
> diff is between the package in jessie and the one that you're proposing
> to upload to p-u. That should be versioned as either 4.7l-3+deb8u1 or
> -4~deb8u1 depending on whether you add the patch to the jessie package
> or rebuild (and test) the unstable package in a jessie environment.

Well, the package in jessie is identical to the package in unstable prior
to yesterday's upload, so the diff for 4.7l-3+deb8u1 or -4~deb8u1 would be
the same as in debian.diff except for the version number itself.  Does that
answer your question?

I haven't prepared the jessie-specific package yet, because I wasn't sure
it was worthwhile... I can rebuild against jessie or unstable, whichever
you prefer.


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