Thank you for promptly responding.

The outputs of the commands follow in attached files.

Meantime with the help of the "scientific guess" method I have found
that the problem persists only when I use Awesome window manager. And it
turned out that there are issues with some other Java applications using
that WM either. As the mainstream developer of Awesome WM refuses to
support version 3.4 and have a habit to render unusable configuration
files from one minor version to another, I found it more efficient to
move out of that otherwise very decent but so poorly managed window
manager. Taking into the account that the developing of 3.4 branch of
Awesome have been stalled, posting the bug there also doesn't have a
much sence (I might be wrong though). Sorry for the noise.

Attachment: jabref-1.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: jabref-2.log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: jabref-3.log
Description: Binary data

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