❦ 11 mai 2015 23:52 +0200, Vincent Bernat <ber...@debian.org> :

>> Trying to setup LDAP address books in version 1.1.1 I now get
>> PHP Fatal error: Class 'Net_LDAP3' not found in
>> /usr/share/roundcube/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_ldap_generic.php on
>> line 31
>> A quick web search reveals that LDAP functions where moved out of the
>> main roundcube libraries and are now in vendors/kolad dir and need to
>> be installed for LDAP to work.  Can we please add this to the package?
> Unfortunately, this needs to be packaged separately. I don't find it on
> PEAR. It seems to be available through composer but I don't know if
> that's easy to package. For some reason, just finding a tarball seems to
> be difficult.

composer.json-dist says:

    "suggest": {
        "pear-pear.php.net/net_ldap2": ">=2.0.12 required for connecting to 
LDAP address books",
        "kolab/Net_LDAP3": "dev-master required for connecting to LDAP address 

It would seem odd to requires two versions of the same library. Maybe
only one of them is required. Could you try to install php-net-ldap2 and
see if it solves the problem?
What I tell you three times is true.
                -- Lewis Carroll

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