Control: reassign -1 lightdm-gtk-greeter

Le 06/05/2015 08:21, Yves-Alexis Perez a écrit :
> Then try to investigate by downgrading relevant packages (like lightdm,
> pam modules or fprint libraries)?

I tried to downgrade lightdm to wheezy version, to no avail ; but I
found weird that the greeter stayed the same and then I remembered that
in lightdm the greeter is separated from the main display manager. So I
tried to downgrade lightdm-gtk-greeter to wheezy version and the problem
was solved.

Joining an snippet of the logs would be useless since the messages are
strictly the same (even the gkr-pam one), but I tried my best to narrow
down the problem nevertheless (at my humble non-dev level) by
downloading on every version between 1.1.6-2
(wheezy) and 1.8.5-2 (jessie), and upgrade the package step by step.

The problem appeared with version 1.6.0-1. The weird thing (that I
failed to notice before) is that when the syslog shows a fingerprint
mismatch, the greeter acknowledges it (the box shakes and I'm allowed to
retry, up to three times), but if the fingerprint matches, the greeter
just ignores it. No shaking, no message, nothing. I just stays as it is
instead of logging me in. It's not frozen though, since I still can
enter a password (and then I'm able to log in).

Starting from 1.8.1, in case of mismatch, the box doesn't shake anymore,
only the swipe prompt changes, but for for an incredibly short period of
time, that's certainly why until now I didn't identify the exact symptom
so precisely(I watch the syslog from another screen via ssh).

I know it's not much but I hope it helps. Also, I think this bug should
be forwarded to upstream, since it seems to have been introduced by
1.6.0, which seems to have changed a lot of things (it's hard to tell
from the upstream changelog because it rarely mentions version numbers,
but this one introduced rounded corners, a new blue background for the
swipe prompt, [Enter] didn't work anymore (until it was fixed later)...
and this very bug).

Just to be sure, I tried 2.0.0 from unstable, it's even worse : in case
of a match, the password field disappears, I have to click "Cancel" to
be able to enter my password and log in.

I pinned 1.1.6-2 for now.


Raphaël Halimi

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