Christian PERRIER wrote:
>   ooniprobe can be configured to run a set of basic network tests on a daily
>   basis. This will test the currently network for signs of surveillance and
>   censorship, and send the results to the main OONI collector through the Tor
>   network.
>   .
> - Choosing to run a network test daily will insert a cron job entry. This job
> - will be run as the Debian-ooni user.
> + If you choose this option, a daily test will be added as a cron job run
> + as the "Debian-ooni" user.
> Use our standard formulation "If you choose this option". Probably to
> improve in order to avoid the double "as".. Justin?

Maybe just:

    If you choose this option, a daily cron job will run network tests as the
    "Debian-ooni" user.
>   .
> - WARNING: Running OONI may be against the terms of service of your ISP or
> - legally questionable in your country. By running OONI you will connect to 
> web
> - services which may be banned, and use web censorship circumvention methods 
> such
> - as Tor. The OONI project will publish data submitted by probes, possibly
> + You should be aware that running OONI may break the terms of service
> + of your ISP or be legally questionable in your country. The software
> + will identify which web services are banned and uses web censorship
> + circumvention methods such as Tor. The OONI project will publish data 
> submitted by probes, possibly

If it identifies them as censored by attempting to connect to them with
and without Tor, I think this would be clearer:
                                                            The software will
    attempt to connect to web services that may be banned, using web censorship
    circumvention methods such as Tor.

(What services?  And what circumvention methods *other* than Tor?  It
would be nice if the documentation ever gave any sort of concrete
example of the kind of thing Ooniprobe tries to do, but for an
open-source anti-censorship project that doesn't care if it gets me
on a watch list, it's remarkably cagey about this.)

>   including your IP address or other identifying information. In addition, 
> your
>   use of OONI will be clear to anybody who has access to your computer, and to
> - anybody who can monitor your internet connection (such as your employer, 
> ISP or
> + anybody who can monitor your Internet connection (such as your employer, 
> ISP or
Add serial comma.       

>   government).
>   .
>   For more information on the risks associated with running ooniprobe, see
>   /usr/share/doc/ooniprobe/RISKS.

Also a minor typo in the package description:

>   OONI, the Open Observatory of Network Interference, is a global observation
>   network which aims is to collect high quality data using open methodologies
>   and free software to share observations and data about the various types,
>   methods, and amounts of network tampering in the world.
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
diff -ru ooniprobe-1.3.1.pristine/debian/control ooniprobe-1.3.1/debian/control
--- ooniprobe-1.3.1.pristine/debian/control     2015-05-01 23:09:48.000000000 
+++ ooniprobe-1.3.1/debian/control      2015-05-12 10:14:37.647384317 +0100
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 Suggests: geoip-database-contrib, obfsproxy
 Description: probe for the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
  OONI, the Open Observatory of Network Interference, is a global observation
- network which aims is to collect high quality data using open methodologies
+ network which aims to collect high quality data using open methodologies
  and free software to share observations and data about the various types,
  methods, and amounts of network tampering in the world.
diff -ru ooniprobe-1.3.1.pristine/debian/templates 
--- ooniprobe-1.3.1.pristine/debian/templates   2015-05-01 23:09:48.000000000 
+++ ooniprobe-1.3.1/debian/templates    2015-05-12 10:16:48.347546188 +0100
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 Template: ooniprobe/run-cronjob
 Type: boolean
 Default: false
-_Description: Would you like to run a daily network test?
+_Description: Run ooniprobe daily?
  ooniprobe can be configured to run a set of basic network tests on a daily
- basis. This will test the currently network for signs of surveillance and
+ basis. This will test the current network for signs of surveillance and
  censorship, and send the results to the main OONI collector through the Tor
- Choosing to run a network test daily will insert a cron job entry. This job
- will be run as the Debian-ooni user.
+ If you choose this option, a daily cron job will run network tests as the
+ "Debian-ooni" user.
- WARNING: Running OONI may be against the terms of service of your ISP or
- legally questionable in your country. By running OONI you will connect to web
- services which may be banned, and use web censorship circumvention methods 
- as Tor. The OONI project will publish data submitted by probes, possibly
+ You should be aware that running OONI may break the terms of service of your 
+ or be legally questionable in your country. The software will attempt to 
+ to web services that may be banned, using web censorship circumvention methods
+ such as Tor. The OONI project will publish data submitted by probes, possibly
  including your IP address or other identifying information. In addition, your
  use of OONI will be clear to anybody who has access to your computer, and to
- anybody who can monitor your internet connection (such as your employer, ISP 
+ anybody who can monitor your Internet connection (such as your employer, ISP, 
  For more information on the risks associated with running ooniprobe, see
Template: ooniprobe/run-cronjob
Type: boolean
Default: false
_Description: Run ooniprobe daily?
 ooniprobe can be configured to run a set of basic network tests on a daily
 basis. This will test the current network for signs of surveillance and
 censorship, and send the results to the main OONI collector through the Tor
 If you choose this option, a daily cron job will run network tests as the
 "Debian-ooni" user.
 You should be aware that running OONI may break the terms of service of your 
 or be legally questionable in your country. The software will attempt to 
 to web services that may be banned, using web censorship circumvention methods
 such as Tor. The OONI project will publish data submitted by probes, possibly
 including your IP address or other identifying information. In addition, your
 use of OONI will be clear to anybody who has access to your computer, and to
 anybody who can monitor your Internet connection (such as your employer, ISP, 
 For more information on the risks associated with running ooniprobe, see
Source: ooniprobe
Maintainer: Jérémy Bobbio <>
Uploaders: Iain R. Learmonth <>
Section: net
Priority: extra
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9),
               python-all (>= 2.6.6-3~),
               python-docutils (>= 0.9.1),
               python-geoip (>= 0.2.5),
               python-ipaddr (>= 2.1.10),
               python-openssl (>= 0.13),
               python-scapy (>= 2.2),
               python-twisted (>= 12.2.0),
               python-txtorcon (>= 0.7),
               python-yaml (>= 3.10),
               python-zope.interface (>= 3.6),
Standards-Version: 3.9.6
X-Python-Version: >= 2.7
Vcs-Git: git://

Package: ooniprobe
Architecture: all
Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${python:Depends},
Recommends: python-dumbnet, python-pypcap
Suggests: geoip-database-contrib, obfsproxy
Description: probe for the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI)
 OONI, the Open Observatory of Network Interference, is a global observation
 network which aims to collect high quality data using open methodologies
 and free software to share observations and data about the various types,
 methods, and amounts of network tampering in the world.
 ooniprobe is a program to probe a network and collect data for the OONI
 project. It will test the current network for signs of surveillance and

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