Control: block -1 with 785022

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 11:42:30PM +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Mon, 11 May 2015 21:40:32 +0300, Niko Tyni wrote:
> > The failure mode looks weird, interleaving output streams or something
> > like that? It's reproducible locally for me.
> > 
> >    
> >
> >   
> >   t/02_term_progressbar_io.t .. 
> >   ok 1 - use Term::ProgressBar::IO;
> >   ok 2 - Correct number of bytes in __DATA__
> >   21ok 3 - Last position is now target
> >   1..3
> >   Failed 1/3 subtests 
> >   [...]
> >   Test Summary Report
> >   -------------------
> >   t/02_term_progressbar_io.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 2 Failed: 0)
> >     Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 3 tests but ran 2.
> >   Files=11, Tests=124, 12 wallclock secs ( 0.10 usr  0.09 sys +  1.53 cusr  
> > 0.48 csys =  2.20 CPU)
> >   Result: FAIL
> I guess this is somehow related to the handling of stderr in
> autopkgtest. The test file does:

>     22      $err = capture_stderr {

I see this it uses Capture::Tiny, so this is probably the
same issue as #785022. Marking as blocking.

FWIW, I can't reproduce this locally anymore right now.
Niko Tyni

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