On Fri, May 22, 2015 at 19:21:52 +0200, Thomas Lange wrote:

> >>>>> On Fri, 22 May 2015 17:13:19 +0100, "Adam D. Barratt" 
> >>>>> <a...@adam-barratt.org.uk> said:
>     > Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
>     > On 2015-05-22 13:55, Thomas Lange wrote:
>     >> I like to get fai 4.3.1+deb8u1 into the next point release for jessie.
>     >> It fixes the grave bug #785804 which could cause data loss and an
>     >> important bug #780144. Additionally the copyright date was changed in
>     >> two files.
>     > According to the BTS, #785804 also affects the version on fai in 
>     > unstable. If that's correct, please fix the bug in unstable; if it's 
>     > not, please fix the metadata.
> Yes, it also affects unstable. My plan was to fix this in unstable when
> I upload FAI 4.4 (currently in development) to unstable, which still
> may take a month or two. Or shoud I prepare a version 4.3.3 for
> unstable to fix this?
Up to you, keeping in mind we're not going to accept a fix in jessie
before it's in sid.


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