On 12/21/05, Simon Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 09:57:05AM +0800, LI Daobing wrote:
> > labels in taskbar overlap each other, attachment is the printscreen.
> > maybe this is due to the upgrade of gtk2.8
> I install the same version of GTK as you but I can't reproduce this.
> Have you tried restarting the taskbar since the upgrade?
This bug disappear after I upgrade the following 4 packages, maybe
libxfce4util-1 is the key. you can close this bug, or set this package
depends on the same version libxfce4util-1.


ii  libxfce4mcs-client-2     4.2.2-1         Client library for Xfce4 configure
ii  libxfce4mcs-manager-2    4.2.2-1         Manager library for Xfce4 configur
ii  libxfce4util-1           4.2.2-1         Utility functions library for Xfce
ii  libxfcegui4-3            4.2.2-1         Basic GUI C functions for Xfce4

LI Daobing

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