On 15/06/15 00:46, Tomasz Buchert wrote:
> [...]
> Could it be a compiler bug that miscompiled the loop for
> 0.13.3-2?

I take it back, now I think it is not compiler issue (see below).  I
extracted the parameters that make the loop infinite and made a
minimal program that shows the problem (attached).

As you can see, it converges quite rapidly, but finally |E-Ep| stays
bigger than 1e-10 and E oscilates between 2 values. An engineer's way
to solve it would be to let the loop run for, say, 100 iterations,
and if it didn't converge, just show a warning.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>

#define EPSILON 1e-10

template <typename T> int sign(T val)
    return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));

static void InitEll(const double q, const double n, const double e, const double dt, double &rCosNu, double &rSinNu)
        const double a = q/(1.0-e); // semimajor axis
        double M = fmod(n*dt,2*M_PI);  // Mean Anomaly
        if (M < 0.0) M += 2.0*M_PI;
//      double E = M;
//      for (;;) { // Newton(?) Solve Kepler's equation (similar to Meeus second method, Astro.Alg. 1998 p.199)
//              const double Ep = E;
//              E -= (M-E+e*sin(E))/(e*cos(E)-1);
//              if (fabs(E-Ep) < EPSILON) break;
//      }
//      GZ: Comet orbits are quite often near-parabolic, where this may still only converge slowly.
//      Better always use Laguerre-Conway. See Heafner, Ch. 5.3
        double E=M+0.85*e*sign(sin(M));
        for (;;)
                const double Ep=E;
                const double f2=e*sin(E);
                const double f=E-f2-M;
                const double f1=1.0-e*cos(E);
                E+= (-5.0*f)/(f1+sign(f1)*std::sqrt(fabs(16.0*f1*f1-20.0*f*f2)));
                printf("%.15lf %.15lf\n", E, fabs(E-Ep));
                if (fabs(E-Ep) < EPSILON) break;
//      Note: q=a*(1-e)
        const double h1 = q*std::sqrt((1.0+e)/(1.0-e));  // elsewhere: a sqrt(1-e²)     ... q / (1-e) sqrt( (1+e)(1-e)) = q sqrt((1+e)/(1-e))
        rCosNu = a*(cos(E)-e);
        rSinNu = h1*sin(E);

int main() {
    double q = 6.2417020000000001;
    double n = 2.0430262950080074e-11;
    double e = 0.99999300000000002;
    double dt = -540.44803517358378;
    double c = -4.7238161603831923;
    double s = -2.8365257674233852;
    InitEll(q, n, e, dt, c, s);
    return 0;

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