Warning to anyone reading this bug report!

Il 17/06/2015 20:00, A Mennucc1 ha scritto:
I used the command
# dd conv=notrunc if=/dev/zero of=a20_Lime_debian_3.4.90_release_3.img
bs=446 count=1
to delete the boot code.

the above command (in bold) was line-wrapped , in email and in the web presentation! Using only the first line would overwrite the ouput file with zeros, and go on forever (up to disk space)

Let me rewrite the command, hopefully this time it will display fine. The correct command is
# dd  bs=446 count=1 conv=notrunc if=/dev/zero of=imagefile.img

(The part bs=446 count=1 ensures that only the first 446 bytes will be zeroed)

In the command you would substitute the imagefile.img with the correct filename for output.


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