Control: tags -1 + upstream + confirmed + patch

First, I very much appreciate you not only reporting the issues you found but 
also providing a patch.

> 1. It injects an extra newline at the end of every line it prints.

  I do see that, and plan to see how your patch compares to the current 

> 2. It always drops the first line it reads from the serial port.

  That I've not seen but then what I've been using for testing generates 
multiple lines all with the same content, so it may not be visible if a line 
was missing.

> 3. The manpage does not list the -f option.

   Note that option was added to the man page with my version v0.1.e 
(2012-09-25) and then rewritten as available with v0.26-1 (currently pending 
upload to Debian).

RJ Clay


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