Control: reassign -1 pkg-php-tools,php-monolog
Control: retitle -1 dh_phpcomposer should handle ranges separated by a space 
(causes FTBFS in packages using them)
Control: found -1 pkg-php-tools/1.29
Control: found -1 pkg-php-tools/1.14.0-1
Control: tags -1 = pending

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 01:57:40PM +0000, Chris West (Faux) wrote:
> Package: php-monolog
> Version: 1.14.0-1
> Severity: serious
> Tags: sid stretch
> Justification: fails to build from source (but built successfully in the past)
> User:
> Usertags: ftbfs

> The package fails to build in sid, but seems fine in testing

Well, the version is testing is not the same 1.13.1-2 (nor is the
version in stable (1.11.0-2), so the tags might have been an abuse.

> exception 'InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Unable to parse version 
> '>=0.90 <3.0' with dependency ruflin/elastica (>=0.90 <3.0)' in 
> /usr/share/php/pkgtools/phpcomposer/source.php:192

I noticed it one day after the upload (thanks to the reproducible effort
showing up in the DDPO), and documented it four days ago [1].


The root issue has been fixed in pkg-php-tools a month ago [2], Mathieu,
are you willing to upload it soon, or do you mind me doing a team upload
of pkg-php-tools as of its current status?

FWIW, I do use this version for a month already without any issue so
far, except maybe not noticing FTBFSes like this one any more. The range
specification was updated recently (in Composer 1.0.0~alpha10) [3].
Hypen range is a bit trickier to handle as far as I’ve tried, but is not
yet used in what is currently packaged in Debian AFAIK.




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