tags 790062 + patch

Attached is a patch that fixes the compilation of monotone-viz with
OCaml 4.02.2. It works by moving the class type declarations of module
App to a new module App_types, thereby eliminating the module self
reference. It is also compatible with the version of OCaml in unstable.


diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index a2191ec..79b0d38 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+monotone-viz (1.0.2-3.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Fix compilation with OCaml 4.02.2 (Closes: #790062)
+ -- Stéphane Glondu <glo...@debian.org>  Sat, 27 Jun 2015 10:52:55 +0200
 monotone-viz (1.0.2-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Update control file to mark monotone-viz as part of vcs section. This fixes
diff --git a/debian/patches/50-ocaml-4.02.2.diff b/debian/patches/50-ocaml-4.02.2.diff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d3ed1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/50-ocaml-4.02.2.diff
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+Description: Fix compilation with OCaml 4.02.2
+Author: Stephane Glondu <st...@glondu.net>
+Date: Sat Jun 27 10:44:41 2015 +0200
+Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=790062
+diff --git a/app.ml b/app.ml
+index 96a1348..37a195b 100644
+--- a/app.ml
++++ b/app.ml
+@@ -1,56 +1,4 @@
+-class type status = 
+-  object
+-    method push           : string -> unit
+-    method pop            : unit -> unit
+-    method progress_start : string -> int -> unit
+-    method progress       : int -> unit
+-    method progress_end   : unit -> unit
+-    method with_status    : string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+-  end
+-class type t =
+-    object
+-      method get_mtn : Monotone.t option
+-      method get_agraph : Agraph.t option
+-      method get_prefs : Viz_style.prefs
+-      method get_toplevel : GWindow.window
+-      method set_prefs : Viz_style.prefs -> unit
+-      method open_db : ?id:string -> ?branch:string -> string -> unit
+-      method close_db : unit -> unit
+-      method finalize  : unit -> unit
+-      method display_certs : string -> unit
+-      method focus_find_entry : unit -> unit
+-      method get_current_cert_value : string option 
+-      method reload : unit -> unit
+-      method zoom_in : unit -> unit
+-      method zoom_out : unit -> unit
+-      method re_layout : unit -> unit
+-      method redraw : unit -> unit
+-      method query : Viz_types.select_info -> unit
+-      method get_selected_node : string option
+-      method find : string -> unit
+-      method switch_branch : string * string -> unit
+-      method update_begin : unit
+-      method update_end : unit
+-      method center_on :string * Viz_types.c_node -> unit
+-      method center_on_by_id : string -> unit
+-      method view_popup : string * int -> unit
+-      method cert_popup : int -> unit
+-      method show_open : unit -> unit
+-      method show_view : unit -> unit
+-      method show_search : unit -> unit
+-      method show_prefs : unit -> unit
+-      method show_diff : string -> string -> unit
+-      method status : string -> status
+-      method error_notice : string -> unit
+-    end
++open App_types
+ open Viz_misc
+ class ctrl w ~prefs ~manager ~status ~view : t =
+diff --git a/app.mli b/app.mli
+index b35740b..88c4d4d 100644
+--- a/app.mli
++++ b/app.mli
+@@ -1,53 +1,2 @@
+-class type status = 
+-  object
+-    method push           : string -> unit
+-    method pop            : unit -> unit
+-    method progress_start : string -> int -> unit
+-    method progress       : int -> unit
+-    method progress_end   : unit -> unit
+-    method with_status    : string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
+-  end
+-class type t =
+-    object
+-      method get_mtn : Monotone.t option
+-      method get_agraph : Agraph.t option
+-      method get_prefs : Viz_style.prefs
+-      method get_toplevel : GWindow.window
+-      method set_prefs : Viz_style.prefs -> unit
+-      method open_db : ?id:string -> ?branch:string -> string -> unit
+-      method close_db : unit -> unit
+-      method finalize  : unit -> unit
+-      method display_certs : string -> unit
+-      method focus_find_entry : unit -> unit
+-      method get_current_cert_value : string option 
+-      method reload : unit -> unit
+-      method zoom_in : unit -> unit
+-      method zoom_out : unit -> unit
+-      method re_layout : unit -> unit
+-      method redraw : unit -> unit
+-      method query : Viz_types.select_info -> unit
+-      method get_selected_node : string option
+-      method find : string -> unit
+-      method switch_branch : string * string -> unit
+-      method update_begin : unit
+-      method update_end : unit
+-      method center_on :string * Viz_types.c_node -> unit
+-      method center_on_by_id : string -> unit
+-      method view_popup : string * int -> unit
+-      method cert_popup : int -> unit
+-      method show_open : unit -> unit
+-      method show_view : unit -> unit
+-      method show_search : unit -> unit
+-      method show_prefs : unit -> unit
+-      method show_diff : string -> string -> unit
+-      method status : string -> status
+-      method error_notice : string -> unit
+-    end
++open App_types
+ val make : GWindow.window -> aa:bool -> prefs:Viz_style.prefs -> t
+diff --git a/app_types.mli b/app_types.mli
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000..0351193
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/app_types.mli
+@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
++class type status = 
++  object
++    method push           : string -> unit
++    method pop            : unit -> unit
++    method progress_start : string -> int -> unit
++    method progress       : int -> unit
++    method progress_end   : unit -> unit
++    method with_status    : string -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
++  end
++class type t =
++    object
++      method get_mtn : Monotone.t option
++      method get_agraph : Agraph.t option
++      method get_prefs : Viz_style.prefs
++      method get_toplevel : GWindow.window
++      method set_prefs : Viz_style.prefs -> unit
++      method open_db : ?id:string -> ?branch:string -> string -> unit
++      method close_db : unit -> unit
++      method finalize  : unit -> unit
++      method display_certs : string -> unit
++      method focus_find_entry : unit -> unit
++      method get_current_cert_value : string option 
++      method reload : unit -> unit
++      method zoom_in : unit -> unit
++      method zoom_out : unit -> unit
++      method re_layout : unit -> unit
++      method redraw : unit -> unit
++      method query : Viz_types.select_info -> unit
++      method get_selected_node : string option
++      method find : string -> unit
++      method switch_branch : string * string -> unit
++      method update_begin : unit
++      method update_end : unit
++      method center_on :string * Viz_types.c_node -> unit
++      method center_on_by_id : string -> unit
++      method view_popup : string * int -> unit
++      method cert_popup : int -> unit
++      method show_open : unit -> unit
++      method show_view : unit -> unit
++      method show_search : unit -> unit
++      method show_prefs : unit -> unit
++      method show_diff : string -> string -> unit
++      method status : string -> status
++      method error_notice : string -> unit
++    end
+diff --git a/query.mli b/query.mli
+index 714c034..08c3171 100644
+--- a/query.mli
++++ b/query.mli
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ type t
+-val make : #App.t -> t
++val make : #App_types.t -> t
+ val clear    : t -> unit
+ val activate : t -> unit
+diff --git a/ui.mli b/ui.mli
+index f102fb8..4d06d14 100644
+--- a/ui.mli
++++ b/ui.mli
+@@ -26,37 +26,37 @@ val category :
+ class status_bar :
+   packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) ->
+   string ->
+-  App.status
++  App_types.status
+ module Prefs : sig
+   val update_prefs :
+-    #App.t ->
++    #App_types.t ->
+     Viz_style.prefs -> Viz_style.prefs -> unit
+-  val show : #App.t -> unit -> unit
++  val show : #App_types.t -> unit -> unit
+ end
+ module Open : sig
+   type t
+-  val make : #App.t -> t
++  val make : #App_types.t -> t
+   val show : t -> string option
+ end
+ (*
+ module LockedDB : sig
+-  val show : #App.t -> [`FAIL | `RETRY]
++  val show : #App_types.t -> [`FAIL | `RETRY]
+ end
+ *)
+ type manager
+ val make  : unit -> manager * GObj.widget * GObj.widget
+-val setup : manager -> #App.t -> unit
++val setup : manager -> #App_types.t -> unit
+ val popup :
+-  manager -> #App.t ->
++  manager -> #App_types.t ->
+   popup_id:string -> int -> unit
+ val popup_cert : manager -> int -> unit
+-val open_db    : manager -> #App.t -> unit
+-val close_db   : manager -> #App.t -> unit
++val open_db    : manager -> #App_types.t -> unit
++val close_db   : manager -> #App_types.t -> unit
+ val clear      : manager -> unit
+ val update_begin : manager -> unit
+diff --git a/unidiff.mli b/unidiff.mli
+index 8e3f999..3798d2a 100644
+--- a/unidiff.mli
++++ b/unidiff.mli
+@@ -1 +1 @@
+-val show : #App.t -> string -> string -> unit
++val show : #App_types.t -> string -> string -> unit
+diff --git a/view.mli b/view.mli
+index 0765ca6..eab83cd 100644
+--- a/view.mli
++++ b/view.mli
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ module Info_Display :
+   sig
+     type t
+-    val fetch_and_display_data : t -> #App.t -> string -> unit
++    val fetch_and_display_data : t -> #App_types.t -> string -> unit
+     val get_current_cert_value : t -> string option
+   end
+@@ -10,23 +10,23 @@ module Branch_selector :
+     type t
+     type state
+     val get_state  : t -> state
+-    val set_state  : t -> #App.t -> ?id:string -> state -> unit
+-    val set_branch : t -> #App.t -> ?id:string -> string -> unit
++    val set_state  : t -> #App_types.t -> ?id:string -> state -> unit
++    val set_branch : t -> #App_types.t -> ?id:string -> string -> unit
+     val present_dialog : t -> unit
+   end
+ module Canvas :
+   sig
+     type t
+-    val zoom : t -> #App.t -> [< `IN | `OUT ] -> unit -> unit
+-    val id_size : t -> #App.t -> int * int * int
+-    val center_on : t -> #App.t -> string * Viz_types.c_node -> unit
++    val zoom : t -> #App_types.t -> [< `IN | `OUT ] -> unit -> unit
++    val id_size : t -> #App_types.t -> int * int * int
++    val center_on : t -> #App_types.t -> string * Viz_types.c_node -> unit
+   end
+ module Find :
+   sig
+     type t
+-    val locate : t -> #App.t -> string -> unit
++    val locate : t -> #App_types.t -> string -> unit
+     val focus_find_entry : t -> unit
+   end
+@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ val make :
+   parent:#GWindow.window_skel ->
+   pack_find_entry:(GObj.widget -> unit) ->
+   pack_canvas:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> t
+-val setup : t -> #App.t -> unit
++val setup : t -> #App_types.t -> unit
+-val clear    : t -> #App.t -> unit
+-val close_db : t -> #App.t -> unit
+-val open_db  : t -> #App.t -> unit
+-val update   : t -> #App.t -> string option -> unit
++val clear    : t -> #App_types.t -> unit
++val close_db : t -> #App_types.t -> unit
++val open_db  : t -> #App_types.t -> unit
++val update   : t -> #App_types.t -> string option -> unit
+ val get_selected_node : t -> string option
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index a24eb6c..a51123d 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@

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