Philip Hands wrote:
>>  Template: grub-installer/no-nvram
>>  Type: boolean
>>  Default: false
>>  # :sl4:
>>  _Description: Avoid adding GRUB to Firmmware NVRAM configuration?
Hang on, typo (and why capitalised?)

>>   By default GRUB will be registered into NVRAM on platforms where this is
>>   required. e.g. UEFI Boot Manager or OpenFirmware boot device.
Stop followed by lowercase "e.g."?  I'd suggest expanding the Latin
abbreviation to "such as" here and "for instance" below.

Then taking your revisions:
>   Ocasionally this is not desired (e.g. on systems that PXE boot and then
Typo: "occasionally".

"PXE boot" as a verb might want a hyphen, but then again maybe not.

>   chainload).  Answering "yes" here will leave NVRAM untouched.

Or "setting this option", or maybe "accepting", though that might be
confusing with "Default: false" and "yes" meaning "avoid doing it"...
I'll leave it for now.  So:

  _Description: Avoid adding GRUB to firmware NVRAM configuration?
   By default GRUB will be registered into NVRAM on platforms where this is
   required, such as UEFI Boot Manager or OpenFirmware boot devices.
   Occasionally this is not desired (for instance on systems that PXE boot
   and then chainload). Answering "yes" here will leave NVRAM untouched.

slightly offline, slightly sunburnt

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