On Fri, 17 Jul 2015 19:13:35 -0400 Michael Gold wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 20:20:16 +0200, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > On Thu, 16 Jul 2015 20:44:14 -0400 Michael Gold wrote:
> > Well, more packages than versions, I would say, but anyway I fully
> > acknowledge that some information is leaked.
> > In some scenarios, one would prefer to keep these data undisclosed.
> And by enabling it by default, those people will not stand out.

Sure, that's clear.

> > I assume that you're contributing this patch (copyrighted by you as an
> > individual) under the same terms as apt-listbugs (GNU GPL v2 or later).
> > Please confirm this.
> Yes.

Perfect, thanks for confirming this!

I'll add copyright notices like
"Copyright (C) 2015       Michael Gold <mich...@bitplane.org>"
to the relevant files and to the debian/copyright file, when I
integrate you patch into apt-listbugs.

> >  • obviously, it would have been simpler to just switch from http to
> > https and add a --disable-ssl option for those who need unencrypted
> > SOAP connections: please elaborate a bit on the rationale behind such a
> > more sophisticated approach (deprecate two options, which still are
> > supported and provide the old behavior, add another option that
> > supports arbitrary URLs); I guess the main reason is that you really
> > value backward compatibility...?
> It's not clear to me why the --hostname and --port options exist;

I don't know for sure, since I found them already implemented when I
adopted the package, but I guess they are useful when a non-Debian
debbugs instance has to be used (I am thinking about a Debian
derivative distro with its own debbugs-based BTS, for instance... I am
not aware of any such distro, but who knows?).

> and
> without knowing that, it's hard for me to know what will break by just
> enabling TLS.  If the intention is to allow users to set up their own
> servers, I expect they'll have no (valid) TLS there, and they'll have to
> adjust their setup to add some --disable option.  And I guess you'd want
> to show a notice about the change when upgrading (I find it annoying
> when apt assigns me busywork like this).

OK, this looks like a reasonable rationale.

> I recommend removing --hostname and --port from the manual eventually,
> to simplify it.  But I don't think they complicate the code too much.

Let's label those two options as deprecated for the time being.
They will be ready to be removed after the release of stretch, I would

> >  • why should the user need to explicitly specify "/cgi-bin/soap.cgi"?
> > after all, it has been automatically added by apt-listbugs so far...
> > the user could just specify --url "https://bugs.debian.org:443"; and the
> > remainder could be added transparently; are there relevant scenarios
> > where that last part of the URL won't be "/cgi-bin/soap.cgi"? or is it
> > just "who knows?"
> If we expect some users to run their own servers, the default path does
> seem too generic.
> But the real reason is because I considered adding an option to specify
> TLS or non-TLS, and noticed it would be a roundabout way to give a URL
> (especially if someone later requests a way to override "soap.cgi").
> It's trickier to put into a config file and makes backward compatibility
> harder.  The URL is the standard way to specify everything we need to
> know, and it's what the library wants anyway.

OK, this seems to be reasonable.

> Your note does give me an idea: if the URL doesn't contain a slash after
> the :// part, we could append "/cgi-bin/soap.cgi".  What do you think?

It's an interesting idea, but let's not complicate things too much.
I can certainly live with the need to explicitly specify
"/cgi-bin/soap.cgi", especially taking into account that this need
only arises when a non-default URL has to be used.

> >  • I would prefer if the online help showed the current value of
> > @soapurl between brackets, rather than its default value: apt-listbugs
> > does so for other options; for instance
> I didn't notice that.  I'll change it.

Good, thanks.

> > Finally, could you please re-base your patch against the current tip of
> > the master branch on the public git repository?
> OK.

Thank you very much, your helpfulness is really appreciated!

I am looking forward to seeing your updated patch.
Please send it as soon as it's ready.

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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