On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 10:53 PM, Rogério Brito <rbr...@ime.usp.br> wrote:
> > Besides, I do not like the way udisks2 is creating the mountpoints. I'd
> > like my flash drive on /media/usb0 and not some unpredictable
> > /media/<username>/<unpredictable_strange_flash_drive_name>
> Yes, this was one of the selling points of usbmount, since I wanted
> something simple for my systems that *don't* have a full-blown desktop
> environment installed (e.g., one NAS with 128MB and another with only 64MB
> of memory).

I also discover that lots of stuff are hard-coded in udisk2. See for
example: windows_names for fuse/ntfs-3g system. Ref:


I may have to give up on udisk2 afterall :(

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