
On Mon, 3 Aug 2015 22:10:39 -0400, Michael Gilbert <mgilb...@debian.org>
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 5:46 PM, James Montgomery wrote:
> > wine-mono, I've logged all the dependencies required, meticulously,
> > and would now like ask you how Debian deals with such build systems
> > where the build comes from the wine-mono script.
> >
> > As you're aware, wine-mono has the custom build script in the
> > repository. Would the approach be to to decompose that build script
> > through a series of patches for the Debian system? I cannot fathom
> > that it would be acceptable to wrap the wine-mono build wrapper. What
> > is the best approach in these situations?
> You'll need to get all of the necessary dependencies packaged in
> Debian on their own.  A lot of them like mingw are already done.
> Stephen Kitt was working on mono a while back, maybe he can give you
> better idea of what is still currently missing.

All the dependencies are in, the hard part is getting a DFSG-compliant
version of the upstream sources. The easiest way to get that would be to
re-use the Mono team's packaging; I've asked them to provide a mono-source
package (https://bugs.debian.org/785308), and we'd need the same for
mono-basic. (The big advantage here is that we get security support and we
don't need to go through a painful licensing review.)

Once that's done, building wine-mono only involves pulling in the relevant
source (instead of the git sub-modules used upstream), any appropriate fixes
(basically the upstream commits which haven't been merged with the parent
Mono projects; last time I checked there were 34 of those for mono, I haven't
finished mono-basic yet), and then running the build script.

Ideally I'd also like to use gcab and msitools to build the installation
package, so we can build without wine; that really needs
https://bugs.debian.org/793844 to be fixed though.

So in summary, if you want to help with Wine Mono, you could:
* come up with an equivalent to #785308 for mono-basic;
* fix #793844;
* triage the mono-basic commits from https://github.com/madewokherd/wine-mono
  (if any).

I can push the stuff I've got already on Alioth if you'd like to join in.



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