On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 13:16:24 +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:

> Hi!
> On Fri, 2015-07-31 at 11:34:20 +0200, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Bastien ROUCARIES wrote:
> > > Lintian now detect script creating user pointing to /home.
> > After a chat under #debian-qa it appear that canonical path for non
> > existant home dir is /nonexistant could be documented ?
> > 
> > Moreover how can a developper could correct a mistake in previous
> > package ? Rip the /home directory correct hte passd file ?
> To fix a wrong home path you can do something like:
> ,---
> # Fix the home directory name created by an old package.
> u_home=$(getent passwd USERNAME | cut -d: -f6)
> if [ "$u_home" = "OLDHOME" ] ; then
>   usermod --home NEWHOME USERNAME >/dev/null || true
> fi
> `---
I think fixing that on upgrades is more dangerous than anything.  If the
dir exists, you'd need to move it to the new location, adding a bunch of
failure modes for what seems to me a rather minor benefit.


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