On Wed 2015-08-12 00:01:58 -0400, Dave Rutherford wrote:
> Or possibly a bad tor exit node. (My proxy chain is set up
> as squid -> privoxy -> tor.)

Interesting.  lots of places where things could go wrong :)

> Well, it's not your problem, but you might find this interesting.
> It's not a matter of high-bit munging, or low-bit munging; and
> it has curious properties like the insertion of "·"
> apparently every time 0x95 is encountered. (That substitution
> accounts for about half the difference in file sizes.)

interesting -- it's like someone is trying to do bogus html entity
escaping, but they're getting the mapping wrong -- i don't know of any
character encoding that maps 0x95 to U+00B7 - MIDDLE DOT.

anyway, glad it's sorted out for you now.


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