>>>>> "David" == David Magda <david.ma...@oicr.on.ca> writes:

    David> I own the domain "magda.ca": can I get it added so that every
    David> Debian (and Ubuntu) install that uses Kerberos will have that
    David> domain in its krb5.conf?

    David> I have a couple of friends that also have domains, can they
    David> request that they be added too?

So, I'll admit a certain frustration that rather than answering the
 questions I asked you responded with your own questions.

In general, if you have a realm  for which SRV records in DNS will not
provide adequate/sufficient information, or for which you want to get
domain-realm configuration and cross-realm referrals will not produce
adequate results, feel free to file a wishlist bug on krb5-config.
At least until we run into problems with bogus information or so much
information being included that file size is an issue, my plan would be
to process such requests.

Note that as far as I can tell, the impact of bogus information is
purely user inconvenience, and has very little security impact.

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