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On 18/08/15 07:34, Dmitry Smirnov wrote:
> Hi Jamie,
> On Monday 17 August 2015 16:14:30 Jamie Heilman wrote:
>> This is something of a show stopper:
> Sorry about that. This is a reminder to me to never ever upload Xpra
> comprehensive testing due to frequent regressions even in minor bugfix
> releases... :(
I normally keep quiet. But not this time. Enough is enough about
claiming "frequent regressions" from upstream.
I've heard it before, and I have provided statistics on those so called
"frequent regressions" and where they actually come form vs the need to
fix things.
So let's get some facts straight.

First, some context: everyone can take a long hard look at the 0.14.10
"stable" version found in Debian and decide if "stable" really means
what they think it means:
There's a large number of serious issues in 0.14.10, people will hit
them despite the fact that those issues are known and have an easy fix
What percentage will bother filing a Debian ticket for those? Probably
no more than a low single digit (and that's for the very obvious ones,
not the odd crashes), but until they do things don't get fixed at all.
This is a fundamentally flawed process and I just don't buy that "this
is the Debian" way. I know for fact packages get fixed, not always just

Second, this fix has been committed exactly 2 weeks ago, because *we* do
test things and find such issues very quickly:
We even document what goes in each branch, and what will go in and when
- where you could have found this fix from day one in this branch's
commit log:
But if you want to make us look bad because you did not test and did not
notice this in *your* package for 2 weeks, fine. At least we're clear on

Third, AFAIK this bug did not affect anyone using the packages we
provide at xpra.org - only the packages provided by Debian.
Just like very many of the bugs we encounter. libav anyone? webp
versioning? Debian only bugs in sound subsystem? packaging differences?
shipping an old version? (see above) questionable patches applied? etc
Although we do end up dealing with those as well, despite the pain.
>> Trivial to fix though, xpra/client/window_backing_base.py just needs
>> to import os.
> Thank you. I'll upload ASAP...
Lastly, please tell me how to unsubscribe from Debian's bug system for
xpra, as I cannot find any way of doing this myself from here (it says I
am not registered):
I no longer wish to read disparaging comments like the one above.
I will no longer try to help support the outdated versions found in Debian.

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