Control: tags -1 + confirmed

The previous way open-iscsi handled upgrades was wrong: it's perfectly
safe to restart iscsid even with active sessions - iscsid is only
responsible for recovery. (Of course, you should remain logged in to
those sessions, and NOT restart the open-iscsi init script, that would
be bad.) There is a slight caveat in that iscsid will reconnect to
targets on startup (even if there are existing connections), but as long
as the targets are reachable, this should not be an issue.

I've made some changes so that on future upgrades (starting with
Stretch) iscsid will be restarted (but keeping the sessions as they
are). Ritesh still needs to the review them, and the upgrade path will
need a bit of testing in unstable, but once those changes are in,
open-iscsi should be safely upgradable regardless of the setup. My
changes also contain updates to README.Debian that explain the situation.

The changes required to make this work are quite invasive though, so we
will not work on getting this into stable (especially since this is only
relevant if one updates things, and I don't expect another update to the
package during the Jessie release cycle).


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