Don Armstrong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> While this is technically not against policy, native packages will
> cause more work for the security team if security fixes need to be
> released. Please repackage this as a non-native package.
>      04:02:30 <vorlon> I guess I'd file that under "package smells too
>      buggy to be releasable"; so while it's not normally an RC
>      offense, in the absence of a maintainer's opinion to the
>      contrary, we might well call it "in the opinion of the release
>      team, the package is not fit for release"

(I seem to have had email problems, at least I have been losing
mails for some time. The bug notification seems to have been among

The maintainer's opinion: I'm both the Debian maintainer and
upstream for emms. The package includes the debian/ directory in
the official distribution. Hence, I didn't think it would be
necessary to give it a Debian-specific version number. If that
causes problems, I have no problem with appending -1 to the
version number for Debian :-)

I will change this in my next upload, but since emms 2 is about to
be released, I'm not sure that I want to upload a new version of
emms 1 just to attach that version information.

        -- Jorgen

Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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