
I stumbled across this as well and I rebuild atop with nostrip which gave me
this backtrace:

/tmp/atop-dbg/atop-1.27.3$ gdb /usr/bin/atop 
Reading symbols from /usr/bin/atop...done.
[New LWP 27858]
Core was generated by `/usr/bin/atop -a -w /var/log/atop/atop_20150823 600'.
Program terminated with signal SIGFPE, Arithmetic exception.
#0  0x0000000000407662 in acctprocnt () at acctproc.c:571
warning: Source file is more recent than executable.
571             return (statacc.st_size - acctsize) / acctrecsz;
gdb $ bt full
#0  0x0000000000407662 in acctprocnt () at acctproc.c:571
        statacc = {
          st_dev = 18,
          st_ino = 996486,
          st_nlink = 1,
          st_mode = 33152,
          st_uid = 0,
          st_gid = 0,
          __pad0 = 0,
          st_rdev = 0,
          st_size = 0,
          st_blksize = 4096,
          st_blocks = 0,
          st_atim = {
            tv_sec = 1440280803,
            tv_nsec = 90171947
          st_mtim = {
            tv_sec = 1440280803,
            tv_nsec = 89171920
          st_ctim = {
            tv_sec = 1440280803,
            tv_nsec = 89171920
          __glibc_reserved = {0, 0, 0}
#1  0x0000000000403242 in engine () at atop.c:829
        lastcmd = <optimized out>
        nactproc = 4285065470
        totslpi = -1613224016
        devsstat = 0x7fb47489d010
        curpact = 0x7fb474867010
        curpexit = <optimized out>
        devtstat = <optimized out>
        ntask = 280
        sigact = {
          __sigaction_handler = {
            sa_handler = 0x403890 <getalarm>,
            sa_sigaction = 0x403890 <getalarm>
          sa_mask = {
            __val = {0 <repeats 16 times>}
          sa_flags = 0,
          sa_restorer = 0x0
        devpstat = <optimized out>
        nexit = <optimized out>
        ndeviat = <optimized out>
        totproc = 1
        totrun = 0
        totslpu = 32767
        totzombie = 1954458716
        presstat = 0x7fb474981010
        curplen = 298
        i = <optimized out>
        noverflow = <optimized out>
        hlpsstat = 0x7fb474981010
        j = <optimized out>
        timelimit = 0
        cursstat = 0x7fb47490f010
#2  main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at atop.c:659
        i = <optimized out>
        c = <optimized out>
        p = <optimized out>
        rlim = {
          rlim_cur = 18446744073709551615,
          rlim_max = 18446744073709551615
gdb $ print acctrecsz
$1 = 0

This is a global variable in acctproc.c. Unfortunately, I didn't have the
time to investigate this yet.


ceterum censeo microsoftem esse delendam.

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