Francesco Poli <> writes:

> Besides that, the patch seems to only address point (B) of my original
> bug report (multiple copyright holders), but not point (A) or point (C)
> (YEAR and PACKAGE placeholders). Or am I misreading the patch?

As (C) is trivial, I've pushed a fix:

However, I have not yet decided how to fix (A).  A few options I have in
mind are:

1. add --copyright-year option

2. extend --copyright-holder option so it can have a full copyright
  notice, if the argument is in the form "Copyright (C) ...".

3. add a new option, say --add-copyright, which takes an argument in the

4. don't change xgettext, but modify po/ to insert
   copyright comments, using sed

I think (1) is not very useful, particularly when multiple copyright
holders are supplied, and (2) is a bit heuristic.

So, I prefer (3) or (4), as both of them could allow users to specify it
through po/Makevars, though (3) is a bit too specific.

Suggestions would be appreciated.

Daiki Ueno

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