Le Mon, 17 Aug 2015 11:21:45 +0200,
intrigeri <intrig...@debian.org> a écrit :

> Hi,
> Laurent Bigonville wrote (17 Aug 2015 08:58:52 GMT) :
> > Le Mon, 17 Aug 2015 10:37:00 +0200,
> > intrigeri <intrig...@debian.org> a écrit :
> > Sorry for not replying earlier.
> No problem, thanks for replying.
> > The problem might be IIRC that the auditd daemon itself check the
> > mode/owner/group of the files on disk before starting. I do not
> > remembrer all the details though.
> Sorry, I should have been clearer. I've tested that this combination
> works just fine on current sid:
>   * log_group = adm
>   * dpkg-statoverride --update --add root adm 750 audit

Oh OK, interesting.

> > We need the check that by changing this we are not loosing some
> > kind of US gouvernement certifications if we really care about this
> > (auditd daemon follows some gouvernement
> > recommendations/certification).
> Is there any practical value in complying to such recommendations in
> a single package, as long as the underlying base OS does not? (I
> suspect not, but that's a genuine question, not a rhetorical one:
> I have actually no idea how these things work, nor whether we have any
> Debian users who care about that.)

I'm not too sure either to be honest.

> > Maybe you could ask on the linux-au...@redhat.com mailing list?
> Yes, I can do that if needed, once we've clarified whether that's
> a goal worth pursuing (otherwise there's no point).

I've no strong feeling about this. But I would be interested to see if
upstream has something to say about this.


Laurent Bigonville

> Cheers,

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