Control: owner -1 !
Control: tag -1 moreinfo

Hi Daniel

some issues I found:

1) please don't set architectures fields that way.
Either choose !arm64 (it should work) or (in my opinion the best way)
leave any.

When llvm will transition (and it should transition as soon as gcc is sorted 
a simple binNMU will make it build, without any source upload.

So since the problem is actually related to another package I would prefer to 
and fail rather than avoid the build (specially because it takes some seconds 
to build)

2) afl-clang.install
do you really need to install .o files?
README.experiments and persistent_demo might belong to dh_installexamples or 
dh_installdocs or similar

(same for afl.install)

3) patches directory might be removed

4) rules: using plain dh calls might be better :)

5) watch: you might want to look for common tarball extensions rather than only 
(acually just a nitpick)



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