
I can't reproduce the unreproducibility on my computer.

However, reading debian/rules, I think setting PYTHONHASHSEED=0 when
calling dh_sphinxdoc should work. Actually, modifying dh_sphinxdoc to
set this variable may be better (in case someone copy-pastes it to their
own package).

If it does not work, try the attached package.

On 25/08/2015 14:13, Dmitry Shachnev wrote:
> Hi Val,
> Looks like my latest upload is still not reproducible: the debbindiff [1]
> reports differing contents of searchindex.js.
> Do you know if this can be fixed by yet another PYTHONHASHSEED=0 setting,
> or this is more complicate?
> [1]: 
> https://reproducible.debian.net/dbd/unstable/amd64/sphinx_1.3.1-5.debbindiff.html
> --
> Dmitry Shachnev
diff -u -r sphinx-1.3.1.old/sphinx/search/__init__.py sphinx-1.3.1/sphinx/search/__init__.py
--- sphinx-1.3.1.old/sphinx/search/__init__.py	2015-08-25 12:52:11.119163557 +0000
+++ sphinx-1.3.1/sphinx/search/__init__.py	2015-08-25 13:11:28.671207670 +0000
@@ -259,9 +259,9 @@
         rv = {}
         otypes = self._objtypes
         onames = self._objnames
-        for domainname, domain in iteritems(self.env.domains):
+        for domainname, domain in sorted(iteritems(self.env.domains)):
             for fullname, dispname, type, docname, anchor, prio in \
-                    domain.get_objects():
+                    sorted(domain.get_objects()):
                 # XXX use dispname?
                 if docname not in fn2index:

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