Package: dracut
Version: 043-2
Severity: minor


I'm using dracut + plymouth (0.9.0-9) on sid, and booting my system
requires unlocking a LUKS volume. This works fine, except in the
graphical plymouth screen that prompts me for my passphrase, I'm not
told which volume this prompt is about (it's not even made clear that
the prompt is about an encrypted storage volume). With initramfs-tools
I was told why I had to type a passphrase.

Now, if I switch to the text interface with ESC, then I see a prompt
that displays this missing information.

This is no big deal for me (hence severity << normal), but this might
be a more severe UX problem for users who need to unlock multiple LUKS
volumes at boot time... especially if the order of the prompts is
even-driven and not deterministic.

FWIW, I've reproduced this problem on a clean Fedora 22 installation.

Any idea if that's a bug in dracut, in plymouth, some integration
issue between them, or a feature that I'm not (yet) able to make
sense of?

[I feel sorry for reporting that many bugs at once, but hey, there's
good news: dracut didn't break my boot, I have no intention of going
back to initramfs-tools, and the only problems I've seen so far are
either minor, or caused by particular system configurations that
probably aren't supported on the OS where dracut is primarily
developed. So:  congrats to everyone involved, be it upstream or
in Debian!]


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