Control: tag -1 + moreinfo


Michael Biebl wrote (30 Aug 2015 11:46:04 GMT) :
> I see that you have a boot.automount unit. I wonder where this unit is
> coming from.

I could find no boot.automount file anywhere.
As expected, I have /run/systemd/generator/boot.mount.

> I vaguely remember there was some auto-unmount feature for
> the efi boot partition. Not sure if that is kicking in here.

My /boot is on a MBR partition.

My internal hard drive is GPT-partitioned, and has an ESP, which is
not use by this Debian system and is not referrenced in fstab. My root
filesystem is on top of LVM+LUKS on this GPT-partitioned disk, so
systemd might be thinking I'm on a EFI system (which is correct,
except I'm not using EFI for booting).

In systemd-gpt-auto-generator(8) I read:

    Mount and automount units for the EFI System Partition (ESP),
    mounting it to /boot are generated on EFI systems, where the boot
    loader communicates the used ESP to the operating system.
    Since this generator creates an automount unit, the mount will
    only be activated on-demand, when accessed. On systems where /boot
    is an explicitly configured mount (for example, listed in
    fstab(5)) or where the /boot mount point is non-empty, no mount
    units are generated.

If the code works as advertised, this should not be a problem, and
indeed `rgrep -i -E 'gpt|automount' /run/systemd/generator*` is empty.

Note that I'm using dracut, and I see:
 boot.mount boot.automount

I guess that next step would be that I try reproducing this problem
with initramfs-tools => tagging moreinfo, so it's clear that the ball
is now in my court. Thanks for your assistance!


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