Hi folks,
(CC'ing people who are interested in package "caffe")

It is a good news that the package caffe in 
anonscm/debian-science/caffe.git builds again.
Package caffe-cpu and package caffe-cuda shold be built properly on
amd64 and i386 hosts.

However it's not quite in a good shape, currently I'm looking
into these things:

 * how to avoid FTBFS on ARCHs which are not amd64|i386,
   because control :: build-deps contains CUDA (nvidia-cuda-toolkit)

 * letting custom target in d/rules work again

 * adding a python-caffe-cpu, and a python-caffe-cuda pcakage.

 * adding manpages for ELFs.

 * is it ok to build-deps on nvidia-cuda-toolkit/experimental (6.5.14)
   because cuda 6.0 in unstable is toooooooooooo old to work with gcc4.9
   or even gcc4.8 when building caffe-cuda.
   (it is said that gcc-4.6 was removed recently from unstable ...)

 * add explicit depend on gcc-4.9, as cuda 6.5 won't work with gcc-5,
   especially after gcc-5 transition.

They are my todos on this package and you can see somewhat a progress...
and I haven't check lintian yet.

I think I can finish the packaging without help, but would
appreciate if any :-)
(build it on my laptop is very slow ...)

Thank you.

 .''`.                                               Lumin
: :' :                         
`. `'   
  `-    638B C75E C1E5 C589 067E  35DE 6264 5EB3 5F68 6A8A

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