
I used to be able to override the pager used by vtysh by setting the
VTYSH_PAGER environment variable.
However it seems to be ignored these days.
I've tried the following:

        export VTYSH_PAGER=/bin/more

        VTYSH_PAGER=/bin/more vtysh

        export VTYSH_PAGER='/usr/bin/less -EX'

        VTYSH_PAGER='/usr/bin/less -EX' vtysh

All of them result in being presented with a blank screen with (END) at the
bottom when I run vtysh (so the default 'less' configuration).
Every command run results in me having to hit q afterwards, and the results
from the previous command are cleared from the screen.

The variable is definitely set:

        root@gw:~# env | grep VTYSH_PAGER
        VTYSH_PAGER=less -EX

I'm not sure at what version of quagga this stopped working, but when I
introduced it to my profile (years ago?) it used to work.


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