Hi James,

>Uhhh, I don't see it either. Upstream uses distutils, and I've never

>changed the setup.py myself when I packaged it.

you might want to ask them to change :)

>Noted. uscan is called with a bunch of arguments in get-orig-source to
>comply with policy, so I assume they do something different than plain
>"uscan" on the command line.

yes, but the plain uscan should work too

>To be honest, I haven't got a clue what these errors are about. setup.py
>is building something and trying to find dependencies, I guess.
>I've added a bunch of build-deps which suppress the "Python module not
>found" errors for external libraries (bs4, dbus, etc.), but the internal
>Variety libraries (varietyconfig, IVarietyPlugin, etc.) still raise
>errors. None of it is fatal though, and I can still build it with
>pbuilder and such.
>Related: https://answers.launchpad.net/variety/+question/213828
>I haven't patched the setup.py file yet, since install_requires needs
>setuptools instead of distutils as far as I can tell. Is switching to
>setuptools for this a good idea?

it might be, but in a future release.

thanks for your contribution to Debian!



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