On Wed, 26 Aug 2015 07:11:14 +1000 Riley Baird
<bm-2cvqnduybau5do2dfjtrn7zbaj246s4...@bitmessage.ch> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Aug 2015 11:54:00 -0400
> Eric Dorland <e...@debian.org> wrote:
> > * Riley Baird (bm-2cvqnduybau5do2dfjtrn7zbaj246s4...@bitmessage.ch) wrote:
> > > This is listed in the FTP master's cruft report, so if I'm correct, it
> > > shouldn't be necessary to request a removal from unstable.
> > 
> > Yeah and you have the right conflicts/replaces. I'm surprised it's
> > complaining about this.
> No, at the moment, it is possible to simultaneously install these
> conflicting packages because someone made a NMU just before or after you
> uploaded my package, but they didn't add the hyphen between "libassa"
> and "3", so now we have libassa3.5-5v5 and libassa-3.5-5v5.


What is the status on adding these Conflicts/Replaces?  This bug will
soon be the only thing blocking libassa's transition to testing.


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