
* Guido Günther [Tue Sep 15, 2015 at 07:26:18AM +0200]:
> On Mon, Jun 02, 2014 at 12:05:52AM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:

> > maybe this is an immature idea or already has been discussed elsewhere
> > -- but I can't let it go without documenting it as wishlist bug report:

> > IMHO it would be very nice if pdebuild (or pbuilder in general) would --
> > optionally and if present -- run the DEP-8[1] tests of a just built
> > package in the same chroot it used to build the package.

> This script from jenkins-debian-glue used as a hook does have exactly
> that purpose it seems (at least I'm using it like that):

> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mika/jenkins-debian-glue/master/pbuilder-hookdir/B20autopkgtest

> Maybe we can add this to pbuilder proper and update the documentation:

>     file:///usr/share/doc/pbuilder/pbuilder-doc.html#autotesting

JFTR: Christoph Berg and me (both of us being the authors of the
mentioned pbuilder-hookdir/B20autopkgtest script) are fine with
putting this script into pbuilder upstream and license it under
the GPL-2+.


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