
>> > > For the next Debian release GStreamer 0.10 is planned to be
>> > > removed,
>> > > and if your package is not updated it might not be included in the
>> > > release. Please update your package to use the new version as soon
>> > > as
>> > > possible.
>> >
>> > The development version has this fixed.
>> >
>> > I'll prepare an upload with the fixes in the coming weeks.
>> >
>> > Please note that I've been having a sponsorship problem for this
>> > package for a while. So when this bug becomes a problem for the
>> > gst0.10 cleanup, do not hesitate to ping me so that I request removal
>> > from the archive.
>> If you want to continue maintaining the package and can't find a
>> sponsor, I could also help out. Let me know
> Alexandre, did you see Sebastian's sponsorship offer?

Sorry for the late reply.

I want to continue maintaining the package.

I've prepared an updated fixed version[1]. Unfortunately:
- it has lintian false positives of source-is-missing[2], not sure if
I should workaround those, removing them from the source package is an
option (not uploaded to mentors because [4] bit me).
- it depends on another package[3] missing in the archive which could
not find a sponsor.
- it cannot use the libjs-jquery version in the archive as it needs jquery 2.

[3] http://mentors.debian.net/package/sockjs-twisted

This is a lot to review... other options : remove the package from the
archive (low popcon, etc.), or backport the fixes for the opened bugs
(easy for me but I prefer the removal from the archive as the version
that is in is getting old).


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