I could not completely understand what the maintainer wrote, because:
The failure occurred after I purged leftovers from packages previously removed by dist-upgrade, not after the dist-upgrade itself.
It did start normally after the dist-upgrade.
There was no other dm installed. I installed kdm after the crash, in order to get a normal boot. Anyway, no problem, I will stop kdm from tty1, and attempt to launch sddm tomorrow.
Will keep you posted, thank you.

On 09/16/2015 07:11 AM, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
I couldn't reproduce the bug as reported. But since the log showed starting sddm from tty1 after an upgrade I tested sddm with a running display-manager, it fails in similar ways to the reported error. Either having an X on tty7, an non-stopped kdm, lightdm, or any other display manager running in tty7 would fail. I think that sddm is failing to detect the 'seat' already in use. I'll keep on investigating this issue. In the mean time, it would be nice to if you could check if stopping a running display manager before starting sddm allows sddm to work for you, as this would confirm that we are talking about the same issue. Happy hacking,

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