Hi, all,

I've done most of my work in Debian Med, not so much in Debian Science.
This package (CyLP) is a Python interface to COIN-OR. I packaged
python-cobra (aka cobrapy), which can use this as a solver interface and
Debian packaging for CyLP was requested by the cobrapy developer. I'm
not actually very concerned with it, so I filed an RFP on his behalf [1].

The RFP apparently didn't go anywhere where anyone would see it, so I
thought I would get the packaging started myself. Again, I am not really
interested in maintaining it myself, so I'm hoping to renew the RFP and
provide the groundwork for the package if anyone here can take over it.

The initial packaging is now in Debian Science git:

Some notes for anyone interested in taking up this package:
* Some of the source files (see d/copyright for the exact file names)
are copyright IBM with a header that only says "All Rights Reserved", so
that will require some clarification from upstream.

* The package currently does not build: upstream provides pre-cythonized
files. Using these, the C/CXX codes compile, but one of the tests failed
with a segmentation fault error. I overrode the d/rules clean target to
get rid of the cythonized files so that they are freshly generated with
each build, but there is then one file that fails to cythonize.

* I have a branch set up where Python3 packaging can be attempted (named
topic/python3-packaging), but obviously, Python2 packaging needs to be
working first.

Many thanks and regards

1. http://bugs.debian.org/795619

Afif Elghraoui | عفيف الغراوي

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