On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 08:41:39AM +0100, Iain R. Learmonth wrote:
> > Regarding sponsering:  I'd happily sponsor RStudio.  I do not require
> > any upload to mentors.debian.net since I build from Debian Science Git
> > repository anyway.
> Andreas - if you're too busy once the package is ready, I'm also happy to
> look at sponsoring this.

Cool.  Any helping hand is welcome.
> Does this RFP include the web-based frontend? I've been looking at getting a
> service set up at my University and it would be great if I can do it on a
> Pure Debian system.

I did not checked the packaging - may be you should have a look into the
packaging Git.  My colleagues also need rstudio_server.

Kind regards



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