On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 10:35:45AM +0200, Raphaƫl Hertzog wrote:
> Package: blhc
> Version: 0.04+20140813+gitac2b8ce-1
> Severity: normal
> For cpputest I get two reports (out of 80 calls scanned) of CPPFLAGS
> missing:
> [snip]
> If you look at those calls, they boil down to "g++ [noise] -o foo foo.o bar.o
> [more object files] -lpthread" and as such I believe that they need neither
> CFLAGS nor CPPFLAGS. However CFLAGS appear to be injected and possibly due to
> this, blhc complains about the missing CPPFLAGS.
> It would be nice to not get those false positives.


Sorry for the late reply. The problem is the "-include
./include/CppUTest/MemoryLeakDetectorNewMacros.h" part. Due to
the .h-extension the line is classified as requiring CPPFLAGS.

I don't know how to fix this in the general case, but for
"libtool: link" lines, this is easy. It's fixed in commit 5dd19b


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