Hello Thomas,

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 03:36:12PM +0100, Thomas Voelkl wrote:
> I get the message "Certificate for this certificate authority was not found" 
> in
> the certificate manager when clicking "Persons", choose a person, click "Edit
> Trust" and then click "Edit CA Trust". This happens for all persons and all
> CAs. The CAs are installed and listed correctly in Tab "Authorities" and they
> have the correct rights.

there is no "Edit" button within the Certificate Manager in the People
register. So I'm wondering what you trying to do.
You only can adjust the trust to CAs globaly. That's something totally
different to Certificates for persons.

> Because of this problem I am not able to send S/MIME encrypted mails any more
> to this persons. Further more, if I remove certificates of persons I am not
> able to import this certificates again.

If you want to use S/MIME then you have to import first the CA of the others
people certificate. Without that encryption can't work because the trust
chain of the certificate can't be resolved.


> I can reprodoce this problem on more computers and also on a clean
> installation.

Please note that S/MIME is more or less broken by design and future
version of Thunderbird/Icedove maybe will not have S/MIME support
implemented. Mozilla is thinking about removing the S/MIME part from



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