> The file is generated by glib-mkenums (libglib2.0-dev package).
> The cmd is present in configure:
> gnome-multi-writer-3.17.92/configure: $(AM_V_GEN) glib-mkenums --comments 
> '\''<!-- @comment@ -->'\'' --fhead "<schemalist>" --vhead "  <@type@ 
> id='\''$(gsettings_ENUM_NAMESPACE).@EnumName@'\''>" --vprod "    <value 
> nick='\''@valuenick@'\'' value='\''@valuenum@'\''/>" --vtail "  </@type@>" 
> --ftail "</schemalist>" $^ > $@.tmp && mv $@.tmp $@
> The file seems to be different but only the order.
> The values inside a tag, let's say 
> <enum·​id='org.​gnome.​gthumb.​GSignatureEnc'>,
> is the same. I checked the file I have installed with the result at
> reproducible.debian.net
> As it is a generated file, maybe is the way it is. 
> It is my guess for now. But the bug still open.


I maintain another package that uses glib-mkenums,
gnome-multi-writer. It doesn't has a 'unrep' on my
DDPO page.

Herbert Parentes Fortes Neto (hpfn)

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