Thanks Liang for your feedback,

> 1 you should upload to unstable, not UNRELEASED, please update d/changelog

oops, second time I forget this :)

> 2 why should kimchi generate DH parameter in build process? it makes the build
> process long and IMO it should be generated by {pre,post}inst script
> in the install
> machine, rather than the build machine

I need to think about that. I'm not familiar with DH parameters and will
dig more on what it does and how it's properly handled in other packages.
In the meantime, here are some thoughts from Robie that may be of interest :

> 3 It failed to build on my sbuild environment, this is the end of the build 
> log:

interesting. I tried to build the package on amd64 too but in a schroot env
(unstable) and it built fine.
Could you explain or give some links on how to setup this sbuild env ?
Thanks a lot,


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