Package: wnpp
Owner: Tobias Platen <>
Severity: wishlist
* Package name : world
Version : 0.2.0_4
Upstream Author : Masanori Morise
Programming Lang: C++
Description : WORLD is a high-quality speech analysis/synthesis
system on the basis of Vocoder.
WORLD was proposed to synthesize high-quality speech as natural as the
input speech. The purpose of WORLD is reducing the computational cost of
TANDEM-STRAIGHT without deterioration. WORLD is superior to
TANDEM-STRAIGHT in implementing the real-time singing synthesis, whereas
it is inferior to TANDEM-STRAIGHT in manipulating consonant flexibly.
Since the concept of WORLD differs from that of TANDEM-STRAIGHT, you
should select them based on your purpose.
I'm using WORLD to build a free software replacement for both
MBROLA(multilingual speech synthesizer) and VOCALOID/UTAU(Japanese
singing synthesizer). I've found Paul Liu as a sponsor/maintainer and I
ask the Debian Debian-Accessibility team for co-mainantainers.
The dsc is at
Tobias Platen
Sent from my Libreboot X200